
On The Way

Your Journey Starts Here

Feng Shui in the Garden

Feng Shui in the Garden

Having had a garden design business for many years, one of the most important things we adhered to was installing good healthy plants. Plants in poor growth, or even worse dead plants or trees are detrimental for prosperity. Bad company image. So you can imagine that we had a healthy, and thriving business as a result. When the Feng Shui of ones garden is correct it creates auspicious good fortune and attracts happy Chi into your home and your life.

Feng Shui and Gratitude.
First and foremost, we need to take stock of the many blessings we have in our lives; our families, our relationships, our work, our health, our friends and children, along with any other attributes we can focus on such as our skills, our caring and compassion, our appreciation for nature in fresh flowers for example etc. etc. It’s a good idea to make a list of these and refer to them often. As we think of them, make additions to them as we think of more. It builds an incredible picture of how lucky we already are.

Make daily affirmations.

Here are two simple examples. One works, whilst the other one leaves us lacking

For prosperity in the garden, try this “I am blessed to be surrounded with a constant flow of abundance and prosperity in my life”

Rather than “This garden will make me rich. I’ll have loads of money from it”

The reason the former works and the latter does not is because the future is never here. It keeps prosperity out of reach and not attainable today. The former focuses on the now.

Prosperity in money, friendship, love, health, family, knowledge, happiness, peace and spiritual wealth are all intertwined, so give lots and receive even more. Display this kind of energy, practice these, carry them out in your daily activities and prosperity will be banging the door down.

Waterfalls represent wealth. More auspicious when flowing towards the house. Not only does the user benefit more from the visual impact of the waterfall flowing in this direction, but it can signify loss, and lost opportunity if it flows away from the house.

A waterfall which is too fast moving, or energetic mirrors rushing, flowing Chi which also indicates fast paced spending habits, and money going out. Oftentimes prosperity comes with conserving spending habits. Waterfalls need to be balanced in many respects. Choose a design which adds a meandering, gently moving stream. Water gently cascading over natural rocks and stones achieves a much more desirable effect. As with all the elements involved, the key is to have them proportioned properly, balanced nicely thus avoiding any imbalances.

Most suitable locations include placing waterfalls off the porch or deck (Wealth) and near, beside or within view of the Kitchen (prosperity). Even better, have it within some wildflower patch, as the flowers will energise the prosperity of a business. Red flowers, and red structures, red flowering shrubs, red leaved trees examples…Japanese maples, Holly berries, red Azelas, red Ponisettias. Red correlates with wealth, fame and reputation.

Feng Shui…Entrances and Prosperity
First point here is to work with the conditions we have. There is no point in trying to move a door, re-route a drive way, or to make any drastic changes. People living in communities need to bear in mind whatever restrictions the home owner’s association have in place. People can make very simple, inexpensive and effective changes.

Here are a few suggestions which people can adopt without too much effort, and hopefully with little interference from the association. Place an ornamental dragon (not necessarily a red one) for the best auspicious Chi at the entrance. These are sure to bring good luck, joy, wealth, abundance, good energy and prosperity.

Close to the entrance consider the colour red. Red for wealth. One can plant red Flowering Shrubs such as;
• Hibiscus. A favourite and relentless flowerer. Easy care. Let it grow naturally.
• Red flower carpet roses (Rosa flower carpet a wonderful plant. I give it marks 10 from 10. Pest and disease resistant variety, low in height and very tolerant of many conditions even neglect, absolute masses of crimson red flowers, and incredible abundance with lengthy flowering periods),
• Red Azelas, Red flowering annuals
• Ruscus aculeatus (Butcher’s Broom) for a great display of red berries in fall
• Punica granatum (Pomegranate) Valued for its brilliant flowers
• Ixora sp. Var. Lauritzen, a fantastic red flowering shrub
• Euphorbia pulcherrima (Poinstettia). Much significance of joy and wealth.
• Ixora “Petite” (Dwarf hybrid Ixora)

• Canna X generalis (Red garden Canna)
• Etlingera elatior (Torch Ginger)
• Heliconia. Many suitable Heliconias incl. H. rostrata (Lobster Claw), H. Stricta, H. •Caribaea (Caribbean Heloconia)

• Red Bougainvillea, a wonderful plant which can grow easily in a splendid, graceful arch above garage doors, creating a dramatic, Mediterranean feel whilst bringing great auspicious Chi and wealth to the dwellers within the home.
• Passiflora coccinea (Red Passion Flower) Another terrific opportunity to grow a beautiful red flowering climber. This one has not only good Feng Shui for prosperity but has important religious connotations also. Either way, it’s a great plant.

• Delonix regia (Royal red Poinciana) If space permits, this is a must have. What a lovely tree, even when not flowering.
Above are a few short examples introducing a fabulous opportunity to plant something red, and welcome prosperity into one’s life.

Try a red structure. A chair or bench perhaps. Even better, a red bench with arbour above to plant your favourite flowers. Consider a red framed mirror. The mirror will accentuate the area, and make it look more open and spacious, bright and inviting. Try draping a piece of red silk, artfully displayed. Get three old Chinese coins, tie them with red silk or red thread and place them beneath a stone near the entryway. These additions are really simple, but will bring great prosperity, auspicious Chi and abundance.

I enjoy the challenge even more when space is restricted. These are among my favourite situations to make great change with astounding impact. Small, tight and confined spaces result in a much more intimate setting. In small spaces we are closer to everything. Closer to all the elements. Sound, fragrance, the visual aspect and textures are all magnified. We feel very secure, protected, calm and safe. I love designing entryways, courtyard spaces and urban style gardens. I let my imagination do the work, and always seem to come up with a more than satisfying result. Obviously it’s perfectly functional, but people tend to focus on the aesthetic outcome, and don’t even pay attention to the fact that “it works” When space is restricted, we can employ the vertical element. Use the walls to plant flowers on a trellis or climbing frame. Use the walls to secure wonderfully abundant hanging baskets. Think of a hanging basket as a miniature suspended garden full of flowering plants. It has all the components of a garden, except on a smaller scale. The flowers and healthy growing plants will energise even the smallest of spaces.

Put in a small water feature. Any kind of a water feature brings good fortune and wealth, especially in the North. I can design a water feature from almost any material. Get the ingredients…. Add a little imagination and……Presto! One time whilst travelling in Italy, my wife and I bought a mural of a town square which was made from ceramic tile, and came in about fifty pieces wrapped up in a box. We carted this heavy package around with us for the rest of our trip. (She thought I was crazy, as usual) When we got back here to Naples, I arranged the tile within a frame, fed a narrow pipe behind it, mounted it on a wall on the lanai, and attached it to a small pump which spilled water into an oversize terracotta pot filed with natural beach-like stones. It’s beautiful. The ceramic art captures the scene perfectly, reminds us of the great times we had in Italy, and provides such a peaceful atmosphere on our space restricted lanai.

I highly recommend adding some kind of water feature, however small, close to the entry way. Be careful when choosing a water feature which will bring prosperity. Balance is key. Rather than have a stream of water rush directly into a body of water, it’s better to have the water gently cascade over something like stones. It creates a much more soothing sound, a more subtle sound using the same volume and flow of water. It just seems more musical when the water’s path is interrupted in some small way. With the added benefit of not feeling as if you need to go to the bathroom, every time you pass it. This is an important step in creating a great water feature for a space restricted area, such as an entry way. Get some help if you get stuck.

Water enhances the energies of the North Stock the pond with Koi, or a small ceramic turtle ornament. These make the garden extremely auspicious. Fish create yang energy. Turtles activate the symbolic celestial creature of the North. Keep water moving constantly. It allows oxygen in to do its job. Stagnant water allows dead Chi to accumulate. Fish energise the water and prevent stagnation. If other wildlife comes, such as frogs, encourage them. Keep the water clean…always, as it prevents hampered Chi being created. Good filtration does this for you. If anything dies, replace it immediately.

The sound of the trickling water attracts Chi, especially when sunlight plays on it. Don’t have water in the shade in the North. Don’t overpower it with plants. Plants are intended to make it natural, and to enhance it. Plants should not detract from the main theme here, water.

A South Entrance.
Associated with the fire element. Better if the garden here opens from a living room rather than a kitchen. Kitchen (fire) which would cause an imbalance. A well light garden, using lights at different levels, especially in winter in the South, will bring good luck by stimulating your fire energy, and fame enrichment. Put in an ornament of a Crane, or even better a Phoenix, the celestial bird, symbolic of longevity.

Magnolia. Symbol of purity, hidden jewels or accumulating great wealth.

Orange trees. Symbol of abundance and wealth. Good fortune, wealth, happiness and general prosperity. A pair are regarded as extremely good Feng Shui. Chinese use lime and lemon trees indoors as their flowering times coincide with the lunar New Year. It is no accident that in the Victorian era, orangeries were very common way to over winter frost sensitive, fragile trees. Summers would see avenues and walkways lined with orange trees in great enormous terracotta pots.

Another travel opportunity brought us to discover much of Spain. We stopped in Seville for a few days on our way to Granada. We stayed beside the cathedral, in the most romantic orange tree planted square. All the balconies had the most amazing hanging baskets and window boxes drape their flowers over the railings. The shade the orange trees provided in the square at the cafes created a nice peaceful, park-like urban setting. We happened to be there when the oranges were ripe. Great big marmalade oranges hung from the trees, in a rich display of orange contrasting sharply with the dark green, healthy and vibrant foliage. Perhaps the town planners didn’t know much about Feng Shui, I doubt they did, but the orange trees made the whole place an incredible heaven of peace with a great energy. It’s true that oranges represent prosperity as this square was bustling with cafes, boutique hotels, guest houses, restaurants, craft shops and a prosperous thriving spot away from the main thoroughfares. I bet the orange trees have hidden, mystical qualities which attract people in to sit and relax.

Cherry Blossoms.

Plum tree. Regarded as pure and superior

Peonia denotes prosperity and romance.

Magnolia immortal and prosperous.

Lotus. Inspires peace and contentment, symbolizing the opening of opportunities.

Money Plant.

Plants with round, full, dark leaves are known to be auspicious and the best symbolizing money and gold. Eg
The Jade plant……money and prosperity
The silver crown
Money Plant.
The Narcissus plant or other bulbs, symbolises great fortune. Normally given as auspicious gifts in the New Year.

One should try to use their garden or out door space as much as possible and use it as a Sanctuary, you’d be amazed at how better you will feel, sitting in the sunlight, watching the wildlife, enjoying the serenity of one’s surroundings.